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已读[83] 发布: 2014/12/01 09:43:58
Medical Daily High levels of homocysteine, an amino acid , have been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, heart attacks, and strokes. Accord...
已读[82] 发布: 2014/12/01 09:43:53
HeraldNet Scientists are obsessed with finding a reason, other than creation, for the existence of life on this planet. Low and behold, the probe detected the presence of amino acids , so the scientists gleefully announced that a bombardment by amino acid soaked ... and more »
已读[78] 发布: 2014/12/01 09:43:48
Houston Chronicle Other readers have found that the amino acid L-lysine can be helpful against cold sores. Q. My blood pressure at home is normal without medication (110/68). I take it with a BP machine checked by a cardiologist. In a medical setting, it's sky-high, and ... and more »
已读[80] 发布: 2014/12/01 09:43:40
All about feed New Mexico State University Assistant Professor Eric Scholljegerdes is developing an amino acid feed supplement and studying the influence it has on fetal programming. The big question: can amino acids help breeding cows during drought and does it help ...
已读[102] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:06:01
梅花生物科技集团股份有限公司自8月26日开始停牌,11月15日宣布拟以38.22亿收购伊品生物,收购完成后氨基酸产量占全国80%,接近全球产量的50%。 根据国务院《节能...
已读[92] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:05:47
梅花生物奠定全球氨基酸行业领先地位2014-11-18 中国投资咨询网中投顾问提示:11月15日,梅花生物发布公告,拟以发行股份及支付现金方式,38.22亿元购买宁夏伊品生物科技...
已读[94] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:05:34
已读[96] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:05:18
11月15日,中国科学院科技促进发展局举行院科技服务网络(STS)计划择优支持项目“氨基酸产业知识产权战略研究与应用示范”专家论证会。 项目负责人成都文献情报中心主任...
已读[90] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:05:02
风险提示:苏氨酸等小品种氨基酸价格受行业供给周期影响较大,玉米价格有波动性,伊品收购审批和整合进程有不确定性。 正文已结束,您可以按alt+4进行评论 ...
已读[89] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:04:45
2014年度上海市崇明食品安全检测中心专用仪器设备采购项目(第一批)全自动氨基酸分析仪重新招标变更公告(1)来源:中国国际招标网 发布时间:2014.11.19...
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