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已读[383] 发布: 2015/03/27 06:00:17
已读[333] 发布: 2015/03/27 06:00:08
Times of India Optometrist Francesca Marchetti says, "Nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, omega-3 fats and lutein are vital for better vision. Eye problems such as cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration are all affected by our diet. A little more fish, nuts ... 更多 »
已读[321] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:59:59
Joplin Globe A mere one cup of chopped kale contains almost 700 percent of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin K, over 200 percent of vitamin A and over 130 percent of vitamin C. With lots of potassium, calcium and iron, it also contains lutein , which has been ...
已读[324] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:59:50
Bend Bulletin For just 70 calories, a large egg provides 6 grams of satisfying protein, vitamin D, a variety of B vitamins, essential minerals such as iron and zinc, choline, which is important for brain health, and lutein and zeaxanthin, which promote eye health ... 更多 »
已读[343] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:59:41
Victoria News Besides wearing sunglasses and regular monitoring, Dam said there are also vitamins people can take to help optimize their chance of not developing age-related macular degeneration, including anti-oxidant vitamins, lutein and omega 3. “If you have a ...
已读[326] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:59:32
eMaxHealth Previous research has indicated that lutein and zeaxanthin play an important role in age-related macular degeneration. In a 2013 review, for example, the authors noted that high dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin “have been associated with a lower ...
已读[319] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:59:24
Southernminn.com Pistachios are a rich source of the phytochemicals, beta-carotene and lutein + zeaxanthin, which serve as antioxidants and help strengthen your immune system. Pistachios are a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin B, copper, manganese and thiamin as well. 更多 »
已读[369] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:59:11
大纪元 不过,营养师表示,吃沙拉搭配沙拉酱有其必然的好处。比如说,沙拉酱让人容易有饱足感,而蔬菜内含植物化学物质(Phytochemicals)属于脂溶性,像是蕃茄中的番茄红素(lycopene)和绿叶蔬菜中的叶黄素( lutein ),这些抗氧化 ...
已读[329] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:58:58
TIME The crunch of a chip, the snap of a carrot, or the fizz of a freshly opened beverage may greatly influence just how good we think those foods taste, according to new flavor research. Flavor perception is multi-sensory. “The flavor of food is reduced to ...
已读[334] 发布: 2015/03/27 05:58:44
南洋商报 阿姨不抽烟吧,因为抽烟会影响视网膜的健康,还有就是可以多摄取叶黄素( Lutein )和欧米加3脂肪酸。这样可以减少干性恶化成湿性的风险。” 从食物中摄取. “欧米伽3脂肪酸我妈有吃。什么是叶黄素呢?你这里有卖吗?” “叶 ... 更多 »
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