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已读[101] 发布: 2014/12/19 08:33:00
北方网 在类胡萝卜素家族里,只有玉米黄素和 叶黄素 存在于眼睛的视网膜中,且两者存在的量相当,它们能帮助挡掉伤害眼睛的蓝光,使视网膜黄斑部免于受到伤害,保持视觉灵敏与清晰。此外,也有研究发现,若增加 ... 更多 »
已读[93] 发布: 2014/12/19 08:32:41
叶黄素 产品的价格同比上浮 全景网 全景网12月9日讯晨光生物(300138)周二上午在全景网互动平台回应投资者提问表示,经过长时间调整, 叶黄素 产品价格同比有所上浮。 晨光生物的主营业务为辣椒红色素、 叶黄素 (万寿菊提取物)、辣椒油树脂 ...
已读[109] 发布: 2014/12/19 08:28:18
已读[103] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:40:27
康健雜誌 含有葉黃素( Lutein )的菠菜及芥藍這一類的深綠色蔬菜,能夠防止紫外線、吸菸對於眼部的傷害,並且保護水晶體(Lens)及視網膜(Retina),而葉黃素等同於天然的太陽眼鏡,減緩光線對於眼睛的傷害,冬天就是一個非常適合多吃菠菜的季節。研究發現每日可攝取10毫克 ...
已读[102] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:40:18
Canada.com Lutein , a natural antioxidant present in the macula, the area of the retina responsible for central vision, protects against macular degeneration. Researchers learned in retrospective studies that people who ate more foods high in lutein had a lower ...
已读[93] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:40:10
Laboratory Equipment A follow-up study that concluded in 2011, AREDS2, determined that the formula was still effective if one ingredient, beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), was replaced with related nutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin. Beta-carotene was substituted in ... 更多 »
已读[88] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:40:01
Pharmaceutical Processing A follow-up study that concluded in 2011, AREDS2, determined that the formula was still effective if one ingredient, beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), was replaced with related nutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin. Beta-carotene was substituted in ...
已读[100] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:39:53
Food World News Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants bet-carotenes, vitamin-A, vitamin C, lutein and zea-xanthin. These antioxidants protect the body from free radicals that cause imbalances and health problems. These vegetables also contain flavonoid antioxidants ...
已读[97] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:39:44
PR Newswire (press release) Plus, Eggland's Best eggs contain 38 percent more lutein and provide a good source of vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B5 and B12. The Eggland's Best new line of liquid egg products are currently available in 16 oz. packages in select Midwest markets. 更多 »
已读[107] 发布: 2014/12/12 07:39:36
ARY NEWS (press release) (blog) Reduces risk of cancer and prevents Diabetes: Pistachio has the phytosterols which is a plant compounds that decreases levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and antioxidants like carotenoids beta-carotene and lutein , present in pistachio helps in lowering ...
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