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已读[211] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:04:17
已读[201] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:04:13
已读[206] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:04:04
因此,膳食中应注意选择富含叶黄素和玉米黄素的食物。 叶黄素和玉米黄素含量最丰富的食物是深绿色蔬菜,如菠菜、芥蓝(绿叶甘蓝);其次是卷心菜、豌豆、玉米和莴苣;再次...
已读[203] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:52
已读[164] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:47
KING5.com It's packed with vitamins and also has lots of lutein , for eye health. "The blue wave length tends to be very damaging to the eye and over time it can actually lead to macular degeneration, so what lutein does is it filters out the blue light and ...
已读[166] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:43
News-Medical.net An increased number and size of drusen correlates with the likelihood of contracting dry AMD, for which there is currently no cure, although there is some evidence that taking supplements of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin may slow disease ... 更多 »
已读[160] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:38
香港蘋果日報 胺基酸 Lutein (葉黃體素)也是奶粉經常標榜成份,惟只在老鼠實驗中證實對眼部發展有幫助,涉及嬰兒的研究較少並無定論,奶粉含纖維素對嬰兒通便有幫助也欠科學根據。 □記者梁麗兒. 上一則. BB奶粉廣告規管較國際標準鬆倡禁標營養含量未禁「食咗聰明啲」等字眼.
已读[162] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:34
成報 核心提示:坊間出售的幼兒奶粉等食品林林總總,部分產品更聲稱可以減低某些疾病風險,更標榜有更多DHA,膽鹼(Choline)、葉黃素( Lutein )等不同營養素,以作招徠,但這類信息往往令家長們選購時看得眼花繚亂,當中更存有誤導消費者之嫌,為了杜絕這些混淆 ... 更多 »
已读[174] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:30
Everyday Health Egg yolks also contain the nutrient lutein , which, according to a study in the journal Circulation, can protect against the progression of heart disease. The high cholesterol content in egg yolks can give people a scare. But that creamy, yellow center ... 更多 »
已读[176] 发布: 2015/01/09 10:03:26
Healio A macular densitometer was used to measure macular pigment, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography was used to measure serum lutein and zeaxanthin, and a Maxwellian view optical system was used to assess photostress recovery, ... 更多 »
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