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已读[83] 发布: 2013/05/24 13:34:42
已读[118] 发布: 2013/05/24 13:34:35
今年,中央财政补贴标准是每亩5元,我县全部采用物化补助方式,公开招标采购杀虫剂54.5吨,杀菌剂79.3吨,叶面肥93.4吨。 当前,小麦己进入扬花灌浆期,是增粒数、攻...
已读[145] 发布: 2013/05/24 13:34:18
FarmersWeekly (blog) Since last writing the weather has improved although at times it has still been abnormally cold for the time of year. We have had enough rain and there has been sunshine as well. With rape crops in flower, the patchiness of many crops is now more ...
已读[102] 发布: 2013/05/24 13:34:13
Horticulture Week Fungicide Prestop sees price cut. Friday, 24 May 2013. Soft fruit growers who are battling against mouldy crops can now buy the biological fungicide Prestop at a significantly reduced price. Its Canadian manufacturer, Lallemand Plant Care, has ...
已读[120] 发布: 2013/05/24 13:34:09
Horticulture Week Crop protection products supplier Certis has taken over the marketing of Thianosan DG, a fungicide for use in fruit, flower and ornamental crops. strawberry in flower - image: Don Schuetze. Based on the active ingredient thiram, Thianosan DG replaces ...
已读[88] 发布: 2013/05/23 17:53:15
Farming UK Paying attention to spraying technique with a T2 fungicide could help growers better protect the yield potential of this year's winter wheat crops, says a leading application specialist. An important point, he says, could be to make the most of ...
已读[533] 发布: 2013/05/23 17:00:36
如新杀菌剂吡唑醚菌酯(F 500)2011年全球销售已经达到7.90亿美元,预计它的年销售峰值已上升到10亿欧元(12.95亿美元), 新除草剂苯醚磺草胺(Kixor) 预计年销售...
已读[84] 发布: 2013/05/23 13:35:35
其次,因甲基汞化合物主要用作农药杀菌剂,所以主要从事类似职业的人群体内含量较多。 同仁堂近两年被曝光药物质量问题: 2013年5月 牛黄千金散及小儿至宝丸朱砂超标 ...
已读[128] 发布: 2013/05/23 13:35:33
已读[115] 发布: 2013/05/23 13:35:31
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