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已读[187] 发布: 2013/05/29 13:33:57
【同期】湖北省农业科学院粮食作物研究所博士 黄益勤:雨后及时的松土,用那个多菌灵或者三唑酮 恶霉灵之类的杀菌剂进行灌根,就是杀虫,然后再及时的喷施那个...
已读[96] 发布: 2013/05/29 13:33:34
Daily Mail They may well find the solution that the Government does not seem to want to find.' Plant physiologist Dr Glynn Percival, who tested the treatment developed by Mr Mott's firm, says ash dieback can be tackled. 'It is a fungus and can be treated with a ...
已读[97] 发布: 2013/05/29 13:33:29
Midwest Producer Drought conditions endangered corn long before most farmers were thinking about disease pressure, so those who waited until the traditional fungicide application timing, around the R1 growth stage, missed out on improved water use efficiency and stress ...
已读[103] 发布: 2013/05/28 18:12:13
CropLife " Fungicide use has really gained popularity since 2007," said Kiersten Wise, Purdue Extension plant pathologist and one of the publication's editors. "Producers are much more aware of the benefits of fungicides in field crop production, and they're ...
已读[348] 发布: 2013/05/28 13:36:43
作为中间体原料,其农药用途最为广泛,涉及除草剂、植物生长调节剂、杀虫剂、杀菌剂等农药品种,可用于生产百草枯、敌草快、毒死蜱等农药产品。 近期,纯吡啶价格持续...
已读[88] 发布: 2013/05/28 13:36:38
曹洪建说,每年5月中下旬是轮纹病孢子散发高峰期,这次降雨容易让孢子散发,因此降雨以后果农应该及时给苹果喷杀菌剂。(记者 侯洪超) 1 2 3 下一页 ...
已读[103] 发布: 2013/05/28 13:36:35
已读[87] 发布: 2013/05/28 13:36:32
已读[83] 发布: 2013/05/28 13:36:21
河北冠龙农化有限公司是中国冠龙集团的核心企业, 始建于1987年,为国家定点农药生产企业,也是目前亚洲最大的福美系列、国内最大的烯酰吗啉杀菌剂生产基地。来源:中国...
已读[145] 发布: 2013/05/28 13:36:01
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