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已读[238] 发布: 2013/08/22 05:46:50
Vending Times Conti described the best ways to convert hot coffee or tea into a summer iced drink, and suggested some easy enhancements like flavoring iced tea with half a packet of Crystal Light On-The-Go from Kraft before chilling it. Similarly, single-serve ...
已读[230] 发布: 2013/08/22 05:46:42
HealthCanal.com Some have referred to regular sodas and soft drinks as “liquid candy” due to the sugar content, and depending upon the brand, all soft drinks can also contribute caffeine, sodium, potassium or artificial colorings and flavoring agents . Aspartame is the ... and more »
已读[328] 发布: 2013/08/22 05:46:30
Huffington Post To put it in the simplest of terms, it's made from combining milk that's been cultured with live and active cultures with sweetener, a thickening agent , and some sort of flavoring . Then it's pasteurized, fermented, and frozen. Tasti D-Lite, one of the ...
已读[335] 发布: 2013/08/22 04:02:09
而除此以外的乳酸饮料则属于调配型产品,是用牛奶、水、白糖、柠檬酸或乳酸配制而成的,不经过发酵,产品中没有乳酸菌及乳酸菌的代谢物。 乳酸饮料与酸奶有着本质的...
已读[769] 发布: 2013/08/22 03:56:45
另外,虽然酸奶中的乳酸菌是益生菌,但由于婴儿的胃肠道发育为完善,胃肠道中正常菌群系统尚在建立中,过多摄入外源性乳酸菌容易导致胃肠道紊乱,不利于其成长。 营养...
已读[1694] 发布: 2013/08/22 03:48:05
新浪网 从安全性来说,增稠剂、 乳化剂 和酸味剂都相当安全,大多是天然食品中的正常成分。香精和色素则绝大多数是化工产品,对于成年人来说,只要符合国家规定的食品添加剂使用标准,基本对人体没有危害。
已读[708] 发布: 2013/08/22 02:04:52
familydoctor.com.cn 猕猴桃是一种营养价值极高的水果,其可容性固形物含量为20%,含亮氨酸、 苯丙氨酸 、异亮氨酸、酪氨酸、缬氨酸、丙氨酸等十多种氨基酸,还含有胡萝卜素和多种维生素,其中维生素C的含量达100毫克(每百  ...
已读[831] 发布: 2013/08/21 15:59:31
已读[350] 发布: 2013/08/20 07:30:53
已读[304] 发布: 2013/08/20 02:24:59
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