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已读[88] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:24:07
已读[124] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:23:46
现场制作,美食美客酸奶吧将最新鲜的牛奶酿制成最新鲜的酸奶献给客户,保证客户在第一时间尝到营养美味的酸奶,抛下了对于食品防腐剂和添加剂的烦恼和担忧。 在美食美...
已读[79] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:23:25
已读[78] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:23:09
其实,“绿茶”瓶子上的任何一种成分,如:糖精、防腐剂等,都让它在健康方面离我们更远。 3、鱼片 一般的油炸鱼片都用鳕鱼制成,这种鱼里富含对健康有益的不饱和...
已读[94] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:23:05
宝宝的饮食尽可能是新鲜的,避免让宝宝吃含气、含色素、含防腐剂或稳定剂、含膨化剂等的加工食品。 三黄汤 关于“胎毒”,其实是中医的一种说法,古人认为宝宝在胎...
已读[77] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:23:01
阳光是最好的防腐剂,裁判文书上网公布,能有效避免人情案、关系案、金钱案等现象的发生,也能使司法公正以人们看得见、摸得着、感受得到的方式得以实现。 同时,最高...
已读[80] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:22:54
Christian Broadcasting Network (blog) Processed foods use sugar, specifically high fructose corn syrup, as a cheap preservative and as a way to improve flavor. But the biggest bonus for the food manufacturer is the addictive nature of sugar. Therefore, when you eat a product containing ...
已读[74] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:22:49
Buffalo News Canned jams often contain a 1-to-1 ratio (by volume) of fruit to sugar, which acts as a preservative and inhibits mold. With refrigerator jam, mold isn't as much of a consideration, so you can use one-half as much sugar and allow the fruit flavor to ... and more »
已读[75] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:22:45
Berkeley Independent I remember my despair when I could no longer resist the preservative choked temptation, spurred by the fear this Twinkie would outlive me and become someone else's treat, someone else's treasure . . . No, someone else's PRECIOUS. No. I succumbed to  ...
已读[84] 发布: 2013/07/03 18:22:41
Huffington Post UK New scientific evidence has indicated that common preservative chemicals found in underarm antiperspirants and thousands of other everyday products, can be detected in breast cancer tumours. These chemical agents, also known as parabens, are found in  ... and more »
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