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已读[212] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:39:04
Bleacher Report Nevertheless, drostanolone and androstane, the two anabolic steroids Silva tested positive for in a pre-fight drug test administered on January 9, are ...
已读[200] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:58
Healio CORONADO, Calif. — The use of steroids after trabecular micro-bypass stent surgery and concomitant cataract surgery may not cause negative IOP and medication use outcomes, according to a presentation here. 更多 »
已读[199] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:54
BBC News The number of young men using steroids in London is rising on a "regular basis" a drugs charity has warned. South Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service said an increasing number of young male clients were seeking support for anabolic steroid use.
已读[175] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:49
Professional Adviser The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is once again being forced to deal with failings in the structured product sector, investments criticised by FCA chief executive Martin Wheatley in 2013 as "spread bets on steroids ". This is after regulatory ... 更多 »
已读[196] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:45
BBC News A former rugby player barred from sport for trafficking has continued to produce and supply anabolic steroids . Ex-Swansea RFC hooker Dean Colclough was banned in 2014 by UK Anti-Doping. But an investigation by BBC Wales' Week In Week Out found that ...
已读[188] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:40
Uproxx There's an unwritten rule in pro wrestling that it's okay to recycle characters and storylines every seven years because that's generally how long it takes for the fanbase to turnover and wipe the slate clean. That's maybe a bit extreme. Most of the ...
已读[183] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:36
The Ulster Herald THE owner of REPS gym on the Derry Road in Omagh has been convicted of illegally supplying anabolic steroids to bodybuilders. Justin McGinn (31) of Pinefield Court, Killyclogher admitted nine counts of possessing the Class C drugs with intent to supply.
已读[191] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:32
The Guardian I was 23 and really hungry to dance when I first met William Forsythe. I got to New York when I was 18 – a farm boy from three hours south of Chicago – and I'd already been through a lot of different companies, a lot of different pick-up work. There ...
已读[199] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:27
凤凰网 设立重点项目推进办公室,全力加快项目建设进度,争取宝利 甾体 生物、月丽朗保健材料、华康梦之缘等17个项目年内投产达效,推进欣孚生物、优信生物、华滨管件等13个新引进项目快开工、快建设、快投产。 更多 »
已读[196] 发布: 2015/03/06 05:38:23
三九健康网 利血平、胍乙啶等中枢性降压药和 甾体 类药物,癌宁、马利兰、氨甲喋呤、秋水仙碱、环磷酰胺、长春新碱等抗肿瘤药能抑制精子生成,影响精子质量。生育之前用药,最好先咨询医师是否会对生育造成影响。
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