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已读[697] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:44
已读[654] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:39
已读[686] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:04
2). 按阶梯用药: ①轻度疼痛选用非甾体类药物(NSAID)②中度疼痛选用弱阿片类,并可合用非甾体类抗炎药物 ③重度疼痛选用强阿片类药物,并可合用非甾体类抗炎药物...
已读[638] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:00
报告导读: 本报告从国际非甾体抗炎发展、国内非甾体抗炎政策环境及发展、研发动态、进出口情况、重点生产企业、存在的问题及对策等多方面多角度阐述了非甾体抗炎市场...
已读[665] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:44:55
已读[811] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:44:26
非甾体类抗炎药导致房颤? 非甾体抗炎药相关胃病的预防与治疗 非甾体类抗炎药或可诱发房颤 对非甾体抗炎药延缓强直性脊柱炎结构破坏的再认识 非甾体抗炎药...
已读[658] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:44:21
已读[648] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:44:14
BBC News The number of young men using steroids in London is rising on a "regular basis" a drugs charity has warned. South Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service said an increasing number of young male clients were seeking support for anabolic steroid use.
已读[662] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:44:09
Reuters Canada SOFIA (Reuters) - Eleven Bulgarian weightlifters, including three European champions, have tested positive for doping, the domestic weightlifting federation said on Friday. The weightlifters tested positive for the banned anabolic steroid stanozolol ... 更多 »
已读[675] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:44:04
Forbes In a world where the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield of 1.94% is the highest of any sovereign credit in the developed world, investors are prudently seeking dividend yields to produce income from their portfolios. One can view a stable-dividend paying ... 更多 »
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