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已读[210] 发布: 2013/06/13 17:37:05
生物医药 全年少赚41% 价跌9% 东方财富网 积华 生物医药 (02327)公布3月底止年度业绩,数据显示,公司期内录得营业额3565万港元,较去年同期之2.04亿港元减少82.5%;公司拥有人应占溢利为4175万港元,较去年同期之7062万港元减少40.9%,每股基本盈利2.57港仙,不 ... 积华 生物医药 (02327)全年度纯利4175.4万元倒退41% 不派息 中金在线 all 3 news articles »
已读[209] 发布: 2013/06/13 17:37:00
生物医药 行业网上对接会 凤凰网 东南网6月13日讯(福建日报记者李珂通讯员徐国栋)记者从省科技厅获悉,今年“6·18”科技展团活动内容上有创新,将首次举办“ 生物医药 行业网上在线对接会”,推介 生物医药 企业、高校、科研院所的优秀项目成果,围绕 生物医药 ...
已读[220] 发布: 2013/06/13 17:36:53
生物医药 产业跨越发展工程研讨班授课 北方网 6月3日,国家卫生计生委副主任刘谦同志应邀出席北京 生物医药 产业跨越发展工程高级研讨班,并做了题为“实施科技重大专项,带动医药产业发展”的专题报告。 刘谦同志简要介绍了国家科技重大专项背景情况,以及重大新药创 ... and more »
已读[199] 发布: 2013/06/13 17:36:32
生物医药 基地引进外资 东方财富网 日前,上海张江 生物医药 基地迎来德国制药企业勃林格殷格翰(BI),双方出资近5亿元将建立一所符合国际药品生产质量管理规范cGMP的生物制药基地。张江集团总经理丁磊表示,通过此次引入外资平台BI,其CMO合同生产将为 ... 张江药谷携勃林格殷格翰5亿打造生物制药产业化平台 生物谷 all 3 news articles »
已读[253] 发布: 2013/06/13 17:36:21
生物医药 产业发展迅猛 腾讯网 海洋 生物医药 产业属于海洋战略性新兴产业之一,与传统海洋产业相比具有巨大的发展潜力,有望成为海洋经济新增长极。山东青岛市作为蓝色经济区排头兵,依托科技创新,其海洋 生物医药 产业保持迅猛发展的势头。 记者日前 ... 华康鸿基天门 生物医药 产业园奠基仪式隆重举行 凤凰网 长春高新区成为省市 生物医药 产业核心区域 吉林新闻网 生物产业产值年增22.9%(寻找经济增长新亮点) 人民网 all 20 news articles »
已读[232] 发布: 2013/06/13 17:36:01
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release) NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Rosen Law Firm is investigating the Board of Directors of China Nuokang Bio-Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ: NKBP) for possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of corporate law in connection with a going ...
已读[193] 发布: 2013/06/12 13:15:17
Seeking Alpha Dynavax is a clinical-stage bio-pharmaceutical company with an under development product named "Heplisav" , a vaccine for the prevention of Hepatitis B. In November, 2012, the company received the FDA's advisory committee's report and in February of ... and more »
已读[206] 发布: 2013/06/12 13:14:05
GSPInsider The development stage bio pharmaceutical company had completed the Phase III clinical trials for its drug candidate AFREZZA, which had been developed as an ultra rapid action meal time insulin inhalation powder. Study 171, which is an open label study ... and more »
已读[176] 发布: 2013/06/11 13:55:22
WallStreetPR Boston, MA 06/10/2013 (wallstreetpr) - The share prices of Skystar Bio Pharmaceutical Company (NASDAQ:SKBI) had declined by 10.14 percent to close at $1.33 per share for the end of last trading session on Friday. The shares of the company had been ...
已读[2077] 发布: 2013/06/11 07:55:36
Wall Street Journal ... R&D on biological medicines. In the recent several years growing numbers of Chinese pharma and bio-pharma companies have been steadily increasing their investment in innovative drug R&D, including the discovery and development of novel biologics.
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