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已读[924] 发布: 2013/10/25 02:07:23
Workers Comp Forum Workers in furniture manufacturing, dry cleaning, and degreasing operations may be at risk of health problems from 1-bromopropane . Two federal agencies are urging employers to take steps to protect their workers. The chemical, called 1-BP, has been  ...
已读[969] 发布: 2013/07/11 14:49:46
Linex Legal (press release) (registration) ... Management, L.L.C. (BCCM) with offices in Washington, D.C. 1 The 18 chemicals are: 1-Bromopropane ; Five Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: 1,1- Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloropropane; 1,2-Dichloroethane; trans-1-2-Dichloroethylene; and 1,1,2-Trichloroethane.
已读[1037] 发布: 2013/06/03 10:14:32
22 溴代正丙烷 106-94-5 203-445-0 药物、染料、香料、中间体 23 环氧丙烷 75-56-9 200-879-2 中间体 24 支链和直链1,2-苯二羧二戊酯 84777-...



