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已读[170] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:51:15
Scientific American Clots are clumps of blood cells, platelets and proteins, and so it seemed logical to think that diluting, or thinning, the blood with heparin would...
已读[187] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:50:57
肝素鈉 進入待現場檢查 阿斯達克財經網 大智慧阿思達克通訊社2月4日訊,國家食品藥品監督管理局(CFDA)信息顯示,雙鷺藥業(002038.SZ)申報生產的依諾 肝素鈉 及其制劑進入待現場檢查階段,這意味著該藥已通過新藥技術審評,待組織現場檢查、形成審核結論、報告轉藥審中心、遞交藥監局簽字等程序完成, ...
已读[167] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:50:39
CNBC The company's injectable and infused pharmaceuticals business includes about 200 generic drugs, like the antibacterials azithromycin and ceftazidime, and the antico...
已读[172] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:50:31
Atlanta Business Chronicle A researcher at The University of Georgia has turned fly saliva into a promising new anti-clotting drug that might one day be an alternative to the now commonly used heparin . The new drug, called Simukunin, is very effective at stopping blood clotting ...
已读[165] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:50:25
Wall Street Journal (blog) There had been scandals over undisclosed side effect data for such medicines as the Vioxx painkiller and contaminated heparin that was imported from China and blamed for 81 deaths. “It's fair to say that Dr. Hamburg came to [the agency] at a time when ... and more »
已读[158] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:50:17
anwalt.de Mit gerichtlichem Vergleich vom 15.12.2014 hat sich ein Krankenhaus in Lünen verpflichtet, an meine Mandantin 3.500 Euro zu zahlen. Die Mandantin machte als Witwe ihres am 15.09.2010 im Hause der Beklagten verstorbenen Ehemannes ...
已读[160] 发布: 2015/02/06 08:50:12
7thSpace Interactive (press release) IntroductionPatients with bilateral adrenal damage due to heparin -induced thrombocytopenia usually need lifelong steroid substitution. So far, no data exists about the natural evolution of such a condition, especially about adrenal function recovery ...
已读[194] 发布: 2015/02/04 02:56:18
已读[205] 发布: 2015/02/04 02:55:15
已读[196] 发布: 2015/02/04 02:53:07
中证网讯 常山药业 (300255)12月24日盘后发布公告称,公司于近日收到韩国食品医药品安全部(MFDS)官方颁发的肝素钠原料药韩国药品注册证书。肝素钠原料药主要用于防治...
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