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已读[252] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:21:06
已读[266] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:21:02
已读[265] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:58
全景网3月2日讯常山药业 300255 周一在全景网互动平台上表示 目前肝素钠原料药价格相对稳定 常山药业主要致力于肝素系列产品的研发 生产和销售 全景网
已读[241] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:53
已读[195] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:49
FiercePharma Manufacturing The FDA has kept a close eye on Chinese heparin makers ever since tainted crude heparin from China was tied to the deaths of dozens of dialysis patients in the U.S. The agency has now taken steps against a Chinese heparin maker it says is using ...
已读[212] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:44
Deutsches Ärzteblatt Bei perkutaner Koronarintervention (PCI) nach einem Myokardinfarkt mit ST-Strecken-Erhöhung (STEMI) gilt derzeit Bivalirudin als Antithrombotikum der Wahl. Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit wurden bereits in mehreren Studien geprüft: mit uneinheitlichen ...
已读[209] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:40
Healio Non- heparin anticoagulant fondaparinux was found to be as effective and had a similar safety profile compared with other non- heparin anticoagulants when used to prevent thrombotic events in patients with suspected or confirmed heparin -induced ... and more »
已读[211] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:35
Scientific American For the past 20 years pregnant women with an increased risk of developing blood clots have often been prescribed a common blood thinner to prevent se...
已读[199] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:30
Liberty Tribune Amy Dehn of Kearney helps care for her boyfriend Ron Brown's two boys, Christian, 11, and Isiah, 13, who have been diagnosed with MPS Type 3. Essentially, the boys are missing an enzyme that helps break down heparin sulfate that gets stored in the ... and more »
已读[210] 发布: 2015/03/06 03:20:25
Zacks.com U.S. sales of PIFA Heparin /PF4 Rapid Assay products surged by 39% driven by improved distribution, which involves partners like Cardinal Health, Medline Industries, Fisher HealthCare and Typenex. Most recently, the company hired and appointed a ... and more »
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