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已读[519] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:19:00
已读[520] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:18:56
重组前公司主营业务是化学原料药和医药中间体,主要产品4-AA 培南系列、克林霉素系列,在产能和质量上拥有绝对优势,处于行业龙头地位。公司与国际一流的医药企业保持...
已读[489] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:18:52
中国医药网 医药网7月3日讯随着国内 培南类抗生素 研发项目和生产企业的增加,未来市场竞争将日趋激烈。在我国临床上使用的 培南类抗生素 中,以美罗培南和复方亚胺培南为主,但这两个药物近两年市场走势趋缓。比阿培南自从2008年开 ...
已读[484] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:32:57
Philly.com In a December 2012 city health department survey, 11 hospitals reported that in the previous year, they had at least one case - meaning a patient who was either infected with carbapenem -resistant bacteria or was "colonized" with them but did not get sick. 更多 »
已读[501] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:32:39
PR Newswire (press release) ... of bacteria can be particularly difficult to treat because they can have high levels of resistance to many antibiotics, including the so-called antibiotics of last resort, the carbapenems , giving rise to the name Carbapenem -resistant ... 更多 »
已读[485] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:32:20
International Business Times Even though they cause 600 deaths a year in the United States, there are no national reporting requirements for infections caused by carbapenem -resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE), a family of different bacteria that cannot be treated with carbapenems , ... 更多 »
已读[486] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:32:01
MassLive.com However species of it, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), have become resistant to carbapenems , powerful, broad spectrum antibiotics used to treat infections from these germs. Someone can be colonized with CRE without it producing an infection ... 更多 »
已读[496] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:31:43
MassLive.com Carbapenem -resistant enterobacteriaceae are in the news after reports of the death of two California patients believed to be from contaminated medical equ...
已读[475] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:31:26
Outbreak News Today What I'm talking about today is CRE, carbapenem -resistant enterobacteriaceae. CRE are nightmare bacteria. They pose a triple threat. First, they're...
已读[505] 发布: 2015/03/25 06:30:59
Live Science CRE are a type of bacteria that are highly resistant to many antibiotics. They have earned the name "killer bacteria" and "nightmare bacteria" for good reason. The death rate for those infected with CRE, or carbapenem -resistant enterobacteriaceae, is ...
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