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已读[1035] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:21:26
Healio Treatment with piperacillin-tazobactam appears inferior to carbapenems for treatment of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase bacteria in the blood, according to data published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.
已读[1036] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:21:22
Live Science CRE are a type of bacteria that are highly resistant to many antibiotics. They have earned the name "killer bacteria" and "nightmare bacteria" for good reason. The death rate for those infected with CRE, or carbapenem -resistant enterobacteriaceae, is ...
已读[1046] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:21:17
India West The infections have been linked to medical scopes believed to have been contaminated with bacteria that can resist carbapenems , potent antibiotics that are supposed to be used only in gravely ill patients or those infected by resistant bacteria. Two ... 更多 »
已读[1048] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:21:13
CNET Over the years, it developed resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, which include common treatments like penicillin and its derivatives, cephalosporins, monobactams and carbapenems . It's also a particular problem in hospitals and nursing homes, where a ... 更多 »
已读[1010] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:21:08
Nature.com The shortage of effective antibiotics against carbapenem -resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) poses a public health threat. Combination treatment may represent a good choice for treating infections caused by CRPA. The aim of this study was to ...
已读[1044] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:21:04
NOS ... ernstige of aanhoudende infecties in het ziekenhuis krijgen. Als een bacterie met ESBL een infectie veroorzaakt kan die nog maar met één categorie reservemiddelen - de zogeheten carbapenems - bestreden worden. Als die vaker gebruikt moeten worden, ... 更多 »
已读[1000] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:20:59
OUPblog (blog) Decreases in three specific broad-spectrum antibiotics — vancomycin, carbapenems , and linezolid — were also more pronounced in hospitals with formal ASPs. Where should we go from here? As noted in our recently published systematic review, there is ...
已读[1044] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:20:55
University of Texas at Austin News Fast is studying a class of enzymes called metallo-beta-lactamases that confer resistance to almost all clinically used beta-lactam an...
已读[1035] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:20:51
News-Medical.net The infections have been linked to medical scopes believed to have been contaminated with bacteria that can resist carbapenems , potent antibiotics that are supposed to be used only in gravely ill patients or those infected by resistant bacteria ...
已读[1008] 发布: 2015/04/03 06:20:46
TIME Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that two genes that help build up this resistance to a particularly strong class of a...
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