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Marina Y. Chang, R. Ph. 

Work Experience:
1971 - 1985: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD - Staff Pharmacist
                         约翰霍普金斯医院,巴尔的摩,马里兰州- 药剂师
1985 - 2011: US Food and Drug Administration (26 years)
1. Office of Generic Drugs, Division of Labeling and Support Staff - Labeling Reviewer (5 years)  仿制药办公室,标签和支持部—标签审核员(5年)
2. Office of Compliance, Division of Drug Labeling Compliance, Prescription Branch – Compliance Officer  (4 years)  新药合法性室,药物标签合规部,处方分部—合规官员(4年)
a) Familiar with the regulatory process and enforcement procedure to ensure safe and effective drug products in the marketplace. 熟悉监管过程和执行程序以保证市场中药物的安全和有效
3. Office of Drug Evaluation V, 药物评价办公室
a) Division of Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, and Ophthalmic Drug Products, Pharmcovageliance/Labeling Reviewer (3 years)
b) Division of Over-the-Counter Drug Products    OTC产品部
i. Interdisciplinary  Scientist (2 years)  跨学科专家(2年)
ii. Team Leader - Interdisciplinary Scientist (12 years)   组长—跨学科专家(12年)
2011- PRESENT:  Consultant - NDA/ANDA/OTC Monograph Drug issues.

博客标签: 前FDA官员 , 简历
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